certified human


Winner of 5 Cannes Lions, including Gold in Creative B2B!

Deepfake videos are everywhere now—bringing everything we see across social, news media, politics, and entertainment into question. The very concepts of truth and humanity have never been more uncertain as 90% of online content will be synthetically generated by 2026. The good news is Intel developed the first real-time deepfake-detection platform (built on the FakeCatcher algorithm and powered by Intel AI and Xeon processors).

To showcase this breakthrough to decision-makers in cybersecurity and media, we tapped into the real voices of Intel experts across a broad ecosystem of content—from short videos (over 3M views) and gamified TikToks to live AMAs and podcast integrations.

The ultimate goal will be to make this technology available to major news outlets, with the aim of establishing a new standard of truth in time for the 2024 U.S presidential election.

Roles: Creative Direction, Writing

Hero Documentary

:30 OLV


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